The Controlled Mechanical Ventilation (CMV) allow you to manage the indoor and outdoor air exchange; they can extract the stuffiness of humid areas (kitchen, bathroom, laundry and utility rooms) and can simultaneously intake fresh air into the living room and the bedrooms. Before the intake, the air is purified by an integrated filtering system at the entrance of the house.

A Controlled Mechanical Ventilation system consists of a ventilation unit which contains two propeller-engine groups, a heat recovery unit, filters and, as an add-on, a modular by-pass unit for the free-cooling function, which can cool down rooms during summer nights. It is wall-mounted in a utility room, like a boiler room or under the roof or celing and can be integrated with the existing or planned heating and air conditioning systems.

The popularity of Controlled Mechanical Ventilation is a phenomenon due mainly to the new legislation around buildings energy classification: only with mechanical ventilation and heat recovery you can certify your home as class A building which adds both energy and living well being value to the property.


  • Indoor clean air with automatic stuffy air exchange

  • Energy saving and with outgoing heat recovery

  • Filters out harmful substances

  • Eliminates unwanted indoor odours

  • Ensures a healthy and pleasant indoor climate

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